Friday, January 20, 2006

what to write

Isn't it true that some times you feel like writing some thing but than suddenly you hit the mental block which prevents you from writing any thing.You reada lot of article and feel you should write about it but the question arises as to why you want to write ?Do you want others to know about it or do you feel that it is your duty to spread the thinking process?
May be any thing but one thing is sure that we all love writing and expressing ourself at any time in our life.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

India shining Once again

Ayurveda coming to USA !!!!! great news . Finally ayurveda the ancient medical system of India is making waves outside the country,An accompolishment to make everyone to be proud.For centuries ayurvedic practising has een reduced to zero. But they have an amazing affect.The herbs and their uses are realy powerful.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Disruption in PRD ceremony

why are we much influenced by communtal that ideas that we forget our basic ethics and rules.Creating a disruption in a ceremony where president of India was the chief guest is the height of indifferent thinking. One can not gain any thing other than the cheap publicity doing such things.It made it more painful be cause the whole disruption was created by some one from abroad .Thus a question arises who are the NRI's
1.The Non Resident Indian
2.The Non returning Indian
3.The Non Reliable Indian

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Emotional life

Life what I have seen is full of emotional upheavel.You come across so many questions for which you don't get answers.Questions increase more and more and you end up hoping to get atleast few answers.Every body feels that they have got one single life so they must enjoy it to the core,But does life gives us a way to enjoy it ?It always happens that one ends up doing something which he or she never like to do.Meeting people of all ages what I have realised is all of us are living in some kind of self exile,because we feel what we have got is not good .We also feel that what others have got is better than ours and we were ought to have that.We forget that getting something or losing something is not in our hands.We all are puppets and the whole action on the centre stage is being done by some one up. We should feel satisfied with what we have and crave for other things which are not there.But it is easier said than done because one needs a lot of self disclipline to come over such thoughts.